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Apitherapy: The Beehive Pharmacy
Introduction (2:49)
Honeybee Mythology
Honey Bee Mythology (35:03)
Bee History
Bee History (38:29)
Basic Honeybee and Beehive Biology
Bees Through the Seasons (9:12)
The Workers (10:38)
Foraging Bees (3:24)
The Drones (4:43)
The Queen (15:20)
Bee Products and their Healing Potential
Honey (41:57)
Pollen (43:22)
Propolis (16:52)
Royal Jelly (20:23)
Bee Venom (87:27)
Beeswax (19:42)
Herbal Formula Combinations
Herbal Formula Combinations (32:12)
Bee Venom Technique
Bee Venom Technique (37:38)
Bees a Biological Marker & Colony Collapse Disorder
Bees a Biological Marker & Colony Collapse Disorder (50:04)
Interviews & Testimonials
Interviews & Testimonials (23:43)
Conclusion & Notes (2:12)
Herbal Formula Combinations
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